Jacinta Kenna


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Services I provide include:

Jacinta Kenna: Elite Physiotherapist and Marathon Runner

👩‍⚕️ Role: Masters Physiotherapist
📘 Interests: Pregnancy care, post-operative rehabilitation, chronic pain management, sports science, distance running, weightlifting, gaming
🎓 Specialty: Holistic, evidence-based care that elevates patient health and performance.

About Jacinta:

Jacinta Kenna is not just a physiotherapist; she's a force of nature in the realms of rehabilitation and personal health. With a Master's Degree in Physiotherapy Practice and a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science, her academic rigor is paralleled only by her commitment to patient well-being.

Clinical Virtuosity:

Whether it's acute post-natal care, chronic pain management, or sports-related rehabilitation, Jacinta's therapies are rooted in cutting-edge science and honed by her deep clinical experience. She is proficient in navigating the needs of compensable patients, whether under Medicare EPC plans, Workcover, TAC, or NDIS, and creates individualized, effective treatment plans.

Career Milestones:

  • Earned Postgraduate Certificates in Sports Level 1 APA, Dry Needling Level 1 GEMt, and Pilates Unit A DMA.
  • Lauded for her versatile approach, managing a diverse caseload from orthopedic post-surgical patients to those with work-related injuries.

Athletic Prowess:

  • Conquered a marathon and training for more, cementing her status as a serious endurance athlete.
  • Exceptional in weightlifting, outperforming even the most stringent expectations.

Beyond the Clinic:

When the workday wraps up, Jacinta might be lacing up her running shoes for another endurance challenge, hitting the weight room, or delving into a captivating game. She brings the same level of dedication and enthusiasm to her personal pursuits as she does to her professional life, making her a well-rounded clinician and an inspiring individual.

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Our services are backed by years of experience

Our services are backed by years of experience, providing personalised care, expert guidance, and inclusive support to meet your unique health needs. Trust us for comprehensive and reliable healthcare.

Comprehensive Services

From pain relief to fitness, we offer a full range of services to support your health journey.

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Expert Team

Skilled professionals using the latest research to guide your care.

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Personalised Care

Tailored treatment plans that focus on your unique needs and goals.

Inclusive Support

Accessible and welcoming environment for everyone, with flexible payment options.

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